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MFR 2023

Hear from Jester DeKay about his travels and what's on his mind.


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I showed up to support the broader, local community at a Fetish Factory event.

MFR 2022 Travel: Image

I held my first fundraiser held at Ramrod Bar in Ft Lauderdale during EDC (Enforced Dress Code). With lots of local support from shops, vendors, bars and the community for showing up. I had never felt such a wide scope of support for  what I am hoping to achieve during my year as a title holder. 

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I flew over to one of my favorite cities, Berlín for Easter Berlin . I was able to catch up with friends and make new ones. I also talked  and challenged  people to reconsider why they are ademen in having   men only spaces  and the importance of the inclusion of the wider spectrum of what it means to be lgbtq+ (similarly  to the large and very inclusive queer scene in Berlin, theres a division however within Berlin Leather Kink vs Queers) resistance was met however others are excited about  the bending of gender I provide for them. Stereotypically a few of the older men were for the conservative nature where as the younger were excited for change. I was also able to attend the competition for Mister Berlin Leather where I congratulated and met the winner @miroto_markov.

Later that month I flew up to NY for the NYC Rubber contest. I was able to meet some of the local rubberists. As well as meeting and congratulating the winner @rubbabeard 


I went to a pro-choice petition training conducted by @bansoffmiami to inform and get petitions signed wherever I go in Florida, the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion”. It’s important to me that our human rights do not get limited by faith/religion and biased belief’s , though it does not affect my physical body. It is important to fight for other’s rights that are infringed upon.

 -@barber_james77  has been very supportive of me and was a great help during my first fundraiser that I was very happy to assist during there send off to IML during EDC at Ramrod.

Flew to Seattle to visit a friend and have some self care decompression time however I took the time to take some photos in the Olympic Sculpture Park because I love sculpture and art in general. 


Currently looking for a nonprofit, organization that focuses on reforming or dismantling the Baker Act in Florida. I intend on doing a fundraiser for it. Baker Acts can hold you for 72 hrs what we are not informed of is you can remain locked inside until you get released by a psychiatrist who will likely only release you if you take the RX the give you however without proper evaluation of your mental state. Another way out would be by hiring an attorney. Something I had to witness recently which made a great impact on me.  It's essentially a different form of guardianship, when rights are removed from individuals, that does not sit well with me. I can empathize and think that could be me.  I want to do something before that can ever happen to others or myself.

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